Sunday, October 08, 2006

what a stinker!

You may have thought the world's biggest cheese would be in France. Germany maybe? Somewhere in Europe?

Nope, it's right here in Australia. It's the Rock Eisteddfod!

Ah the Rock Eisteddfod. I love the predictable dance routines, crap sets, shitty costumes, and just the humungous effort these over-achieving dorks put into making... a load of bollocks basically. The none-too-subtle poltical messages are always a good larf too.

What's this? A satirical jab at our Prime Minister?!
*Gasp!* But such a thing has never been done!

They have a REC special on TV right now (if you're watching, switch over to Channel 9) with hysterical behind the scenes interviews. But if you miss it, don't sweat: the website has streaming videos of the complete 8 minute performances for each of the schools that make the finals! Yay!

What are you waiting for? Click here for Rock Eisteddfod videos!



PJK said...

... only the videos aren't working at the moment, at least not on mine. :(

Oh well, I'm rooting for Brighton. Are those cubist mimes? I've always had nightmares about being trapped in a cube with a mime.

Anonymous said...

nice blog u have here! Congrats!

PJK said...

Thanks amigo! Or however you saw that in Portugese...

jsb said...

"Thanks amigo! Or however you saw that in Portugese..."

It is "amigo" in both Spanish and Portuguese.