Friday, October 27, 2006


By Challi

Yeah, I'm neglectful of this blog. You'd be too if you were taught in an institution that inspires apathy towards everything. Don't be fooled by a university's stalls and stands which promote whatever kooky BS they pretend to believe in, everyone just wants to attend classes and then piss off home to play video games and/or smoke their bongs safe in the knowledge that uni will tide them over until they get a solid job that pays well. After that, they'll forget about whatever their Uni taught them altogether. That's how it works.

Oh damn, now I need a segway into what I actually wanted to bitch about.

Well, universities like to do environmental shit like save koalas so they feel better about themselves, right? (Well there is my segway. Smooth.) but who will save us from the koalas? Yesterday, my dad almost ran over a koala that was trying to cross the road. Conveniently it was a 4-wheel drive with big wheels so the koala only received a donk on the head as we drove over it. We didn't swerve, of course, because that would of killed us and frankly we're better than some koala. Eventually the koala managed to make it to the other side with only a throbbing headache.

How terrible are koalas as pedestrians? They're so slow on the road and they never keep an eye out for traffic. Screw the koala cull, they're culling themselves with their reckless disregard of the road, and they could potentially be killing other drivers too if the drivers were dumb enough to swerve as a lot of them are.

We humans had to adapt to their environment when we came to their country several thousand years ago, now it's their turn. Yes we may of killed half their environment to make room for roads, but since we all have to go to universities and other shit that we quite clearly care a lot about, they have to at least have the common courtesy to look both ways before they cross the road and get off as quickly as possible so we can get where we need to go.

Is that too much to ask?


PJK said...

We get many a koala on my street. Tourists just don't get told about how lazy and surly they are. You forgot to complain about that hideous noise they make in the middle of the night -- ugh, I hate that!

I saw an echidna by the road the other day while I was walking to the deli. It was trapped in a stormwater drain that was too steep for it to get out. I told the folks at the deli they should call Cleland or maybe Animal Rescue or whatever those people that rescue animals are called. I sure hope everything turned out okay for the little guy. Echidnas are awesome.

jsb said...

We have armadillos that pretty much act the same way.

Lada said...

definitely not too much to ask. why, they should start a school to educate koalas in the ways of the street. after all, some countries teach children in school how to ride bikes in the city and whatnot... why not teach koalas?

Heatherez said...

koalas come to mate in my backyard, it sounds like someone being murdered LOL what a turn on! woopwoopwoop!

btw (which is apparently short for by the way LOL!) who actually goes to uni when you attend the fine uni of flindy town which has video streaming! yay! you dont even have to get out of bed!! yay!