Thursday, September 07, 2006

connect the dots to find the treasure.


Text text text text shadalah bing! Welcome.
Alright, that takes care of the intro. You know who I am, you know what a blog is for, let's not fool around any.

I presume my readers are all aware that I'm back in Australia? I am. It's currently week... dunno, stopped keeping track of the weeks... at my new academic home, Flinders University™. And to think I need only cross several tectonic plate-lines from my house to get there! It's great. Remind me to write more about student life in later posts. Besides the novelty of being at uni though (which I admit is rapidly fading) I seriously can't believe just how fast everything is now back to normal. The first six months of this year are now like a blip in my mind! I'm dissapointed, but I can't say I didn't predict that. Anyway, things aren't all gloomy. Naturally I've caught up with many of my friends and lesser beings since getting back (plenty of Merc alumni at Flinders of course), and yeah... right now I'm just taking life as it comes, trying to find true hapiness etc. in this puzzle that is our existence. Kewl! (note to readers: this is not a novel spelling of cool, please avoid.)

When in future I think of specific things to discuss, they will become posts. My only useful thought just now was, hey, I should stop procrastinating and make that new blog I was meaning to make! And I did. Yay me! Freep.


Caity said...

hey patski!
the new blog hey!? I like, very you! But hey, i'm happy as long as you post.

Okay, ttyl. Bfn
Fuck I hate all of those acronyms.
Love Caity

PJK said...

Thanks Cait! I think you might be the only person reading this here web-log though...

Skublet said...

I just love to read how the over-educated and under-employed enjoy the sound of their own over-syllabic tripe.

Hey, but who died and made me God?

Keep up the good crap.

PJK said...

... "the over-educated and under-employed enjoy the sound of their own over-syllabic tripe." I love it!! That is totally becoming the new blog description.

Thanks skublet!