Tuesday, September 26, 2006

urgent memo: help Flinders on Wikipedia!


Ok gang, this is serious. I just looked up the article for Flinders University on Wikipedia and it's woefully inadequate. Take a look for yourselves. It's nothing more than some dull background followed by a few dot points. The section labelled "student life" has nothing under it!! Literally nothing!!

Now I know it's the mid-semester break and you're all probably hung over from like ten nights of consecutive drinking-binges, but even that fact itself is a story that needs to be told! Think: all it takes is one sentence each and we've already written a paragraph. It doesn't have to be good, it doesn't even need to be true. It just needs to be done. Tell your friends! Get the word out! If not for me, then for the Flinders mascot! (invent a Flinders mascot and upload a photo of it)

Do it! Do it now!


Heatherez said...

pretty sure flindy town is the uni that doesnt share, the uni that doesnt care LOLlies

PJK said...

Pretty sure Flinders is hippie central actually.