Tuesday, November 14, 2006

reactions to the mufti's comments.

By Challi

Just some quick thoughts RE: Sheikh Taj El-Din Hamid Hilaly's comments. Now, obviously the comments were bound to spur controversy, and if the the Sheik didn't think people would overreact, or was hoping for that effect, he's an idiot, plain and simple (yes, I am allowed to call the mufti of Australia an idiot if I want, and remember that what I just said was a conditional statement). HOWEVER, there is no reason why anyone should arrive at the conclusion, as several Muslims and also Bronwyn Bishop remarked, that "the Mufti doesn't like Australian women" on the Sunday program this week.

First of all, the Mufti was QUOTING. He happened to just be quoting a conversation he had with other Australian Sheiks and what he had said. If you look at the comment in context, it's a valid point. The Mufti was speaking on the subject of "protection and humility", specifically, suggesting that any woman who dresses up with any skin showing at all is bound to attract a whole lot of horny cats that see the uncovered woman and think she is expired raw meat. I agree. I mean, look at the skin of any woman, sure looks like rotting meat flesh to me. And it is a historical fact that cats have eaten scantily-clad women whole upon the realisation that they are in fact made of meat. Let's not sugar-coat history here people, we were born with meaty flesh, ok? and now we must protect ourself from hungry cats. Hell, if he wasn't a Muslim this wouldn't of been an issue AT ALL. I mean sure any religion should be open to criticism. Yet the hysteria mounts, and even in this enlightened age we see women straining their periods about it. I mean maybe he has a point, women's flesh should be preserved for the cats they end up marrying and isn't for anyone else to see. Allah forbid women's skin should be shown at all, I mean how is the way a woman looks supposed to land a husband? That's never happened before! and it's his opinion anyway. How can anyone who believes in free speech defend that? Political correctness, if taken seriously should not accept double-standards.

Yeah, I'll do a proper post tomorrow maybe. I just got a little bored.

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