Sunday, August 05, 2007



Well folks I can't help but feel bad. I feel bad because right now Challi is probably slaving away under sweatshop conditions to devise another in his series of highly entertaining posts, whereas I am lying on my ridiculously comfortable bed devouring "Groovy Candy Rolls". Can you believe that? They call them Groovy Candy Rolls now! In my day they were called Fizzers. That's just terrible. I feel bad about that.

Mind you, I'm not paying Challi for nothing. That would be a gross waste of finances, a little like throwing money into the event horizon of a black hole only to have it snatched by an an alternate version of me in a parallel universe wherein money is worthless and its inhabitants are also jerks who won't give stuff back to people in other universes. No, I pay Challi's salary for the exceptional quality of his articles, and in that regard he's certainly been earning his keep of late. And I'm glad, because now his kids won't have to eat rats anymore.

So where does this leave me, alleged co-conspirator in this whole operation? Right here. I haven't moved since I started writing and I'm not sure why you would ask that anyway. Do you really need to know my every whereabouts? I guess for my sake I'll just have to lift my game and post something worth reading. After all, the title of this blog clearly contains an 's' in brackets, and that means there's supposed to be more than one unenthusiast around here to complain about stuff. Well... technically it only means that we allow for the possibility of more than one, but you get the idea.

tl;dr? More posts from me soon.


PJK said...

HAHA! Oh so witty.

Also: commenting on my own post.

Challi said...

Well it's not like we have to eat rats, we just choose to.