Remember two posts ago, that inane NineMSN poll about a Mulsim, err... 'religious' immigration cap? Here's yet another shocker for ya:

Okay, this isn't the same thing as asking if migrants should merely be screened for HIV before entering the country. Perhaps a mandatory screening process would arguably serve the greater good. After all, we have the resources for such a programme that many countries perhaps lack, so at least someone carrying HIV into the country could become aware of it and get proper treatment here... though even that seems like an invasion of privacy to me. In any case, that's another debate entirely. What this poll is asking is whether or not any migrants that arrive HIV positive should be kicked out of the country. Australia's answer: a resounding yes.
Hussah! Once again our stalwart citizen-soldiers rally to erect yet more barricades in defence of Fortress Australia™.

Shut up. Think for a minute about how you would feel if you were HIV positive. It's the most horrible thing. Condemned to an early grave, you become a walking taboo. People are literally afraid of you, as this poll shows. Think how you would feel if you were denied access to a great country like ours simply because you arrive and discover you're HIV positive, and subsequently have to return home to a country where treatment may not be available.Human rights apply to all humans, 'diseased' or no. This is no different from the bigotry of the previous poll I mentioned.
Clearly people have been watching too much 300. This is NOT Sparta.
EDIT: Well it looks as if I'm the real moron, having failed to realise this poll was based on comments made by, of all people, our Prime Minister. Glorious Leader is apparenly being blasted over the comments, and rightly so. Also, according to that article, migrants over the age of 15 are indeed tested for HIV and it is apparently very difficult for them to be accepted into the country under current government policy. Shows what I know.
Turns out this is indeed Sparta. My bad.
How do you feel about excluding those with tuberculosis and other communicable diseases that are on the immigration books right now in Australia?
TB and HIV are... incomparable. HIV isn't transmitted by air for a start! It obviously depends on what "communicable" means in the particular circumstances.
This is not one of my favourite posts. I'm getting lazy and just responding melodramatically to shitty MSN polls. Ugh, should've saved the 300 reference for something good! Err... no offense to AIDS victims of course.
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