Thursday, May 31, 2007

a smite at the museum.

By Challi

Does anyone else just find this adorable? A museum has been opened in America that tries to scientifically explain Creation and other completely understandable things like how Noah had dinosaurs on board the Ark with him! Oh yes, wood was really strong back then.

Now look, I understand how frustrating it is for Catholics to be believed by pretty much anyone that aren't them, but this stupid museum isn't exactly helping. I mean c'mon, dinosaurs on the Ark? Not even most hardcore Catholics are that fucking stupid. Besides, why do Catholics even feel that they have to explain themselves to the scientific world? Isn't God supposed to be some super all-powerful magic being that defies such restrictive boundaries like logic? If there was no evidence available to support otherwise, then wouldn't that prove that point more, and thus restore the majesty of God for the followers who would want to believe it like that? It's much better than trying to find a systematically sound reason as to how eating fruit from one particular tree made us ashamed of our nudity or how an old guy parted the sea with a magic stick, isn't it?

So likewise, I'm also annoyed that there were party-pooper protesters outside the museum with signs like "DEFCON SAYS THOU SHALT NOT LIE".

Yes, sure the museum is stupid and pointless, but that doesn't give them the right to ruin the creation idea for believers anyway. Do Catholic priests go around telling the little kids they lured into their confessional booths that the Easter Bunny and tooth fairy doesn't exist? Hell no, and they shouldn't do the same.



PJK said...

How embarassing that an Aussie is the spokesman for this shit! And that stupid bitch doing the interview: "duuhh, I'm glad I didn't live with the Dinosaurs, duhuh!" Didn't even challenge the guy's views at all. Gah!

I think protesting this museum is totally justified. Sure, if grown adults want to go there and delude themselves with dumb fairytale creation myths, fine. But the very first thing that newscaster says in his report is: "parents tired of taking their children to museums where evolution is taught, there's a deluxe new alternative!"

What crap. Teach your kids about God if you want, but don't deny them a proper education. Evolution is science. Science needs to be taught to children. End of story. Anything else is brainwashing.

jsb said...

I think you mean "Christian" when you say "Catholic", no?

Among Christians, Catholics are the most likely to actually believe in evolution:

Evangelicals, a protestant movement in the U.S. made up of many denominations, are the most fundamentalist, literal interpretors of scripture and most likely to support creationism.

Me personally, I'm a Christian who believes science is not mutually incompatible with faith. I believe the earth is billions of years old and that many scriptures in the bible are allegorical.

Evolution is pretty much fact, as far as I'm concerned, and it doesn't bother me one bit. It does bother me to see other Christians spend millions of dollars to brainwash their children and others.

jsb said...

Pope John Paul recently wrote:

"John Paul said:

Today, almost half a century after publication of the encyclical, new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis. It is indeed remarkable that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge. The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory."

Challi said...

Potato, potarto.

Challi said...

Nah, I get you, but I enjoy generalising.