Sunday, January 07, 2007

welcome to 2007!


Happy New Year!!! Wooo!

With 2006 now little more than a drunken haze somewhere at the back of our collective memories, it's time to embrace 2007.

Why? Because as Julian Baggini notes:
Even if you have had a happy Christmas and flourished in 2006, the changing of the calendars is a rude reminder that the Grinch of Time has just walked off with another year. And he is an unrelenting thief who's going to carry on taking every hour, minute and second from us until we have none left.
That goddamn Grinch of Time! I for one am sick of his thieving ways. Stealing all our precious moments and bagging them up in his big hessian sack. How dare he?!

No doubt the Grinch of Time has already pawned our favourite years down at his local Cash Converters. I bet they gave him a good price for the year 2000. That was a damn good year. A premium time to be alive. 2006 on the other hand probably would have only bagged him about 20 bucks. Oh well. Keep on trucking oh Grinch of Time. Someday you'll have enough money to buy that place you were after.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go eat some macadamia nuts before the Grinch of Time steals them too.

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